  • Serving: Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Newton & Jasper Counties IN and South Suburbs IL

Category Archives: Electrical


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Why Is My Electric Bill So High?
May 05, 2021

Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

What Is Included in a Power Bill Most people get electric bills every month, but many people do not know what the numbers actually mean or where they are coming from. In order…

Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill
February 12, 2021

Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill

Our customers often ask us how to reduce their electricity bills. Below we've provided a range of tips and tricks for reducing your energy consumption and helping you save money on your electric…

Home Maintenance Resolutions to Make in the New Year
December 29, 2020

Home Maintenance Resolutions to Make in the New Year

2021 is right around the corner, and our home comfort experts at Meyer’s think you’ll agree that after the year we’ve had, it can’t come soon enough. With the many complications that have…

Why Are My Lights Flickering?
November 24, 2020

Why Are My Lights Flickering?

Flickering lights are great… if we’re talking about faux flame bulbs, Christmas tree lights, or some kind of effect to make it seem like you’re living in a haunted house. In any other…

5 Household Electrical Hazards You Should Never Ignore
September 15, 2020

5 Household Electrical Hazards You Should Never Ignore

Even if you think your home is free of all electrical hazards, it’s always in your best interest to double-check. After all, these dangers not only increase your risk of electrocution but also…

Do You Need a Backup Generator?
September 07, 2020

Do You Need a Backup Generator?

What is an Automatic Standby Generator, and Do You Need One? An automatic standby generator, sometimes referred to as a backup generator or a whole-home generator, is a stationary generator, typically installed outside…

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