October 21, 2014
Knowing how and when to prepare your pipes for cold weather can help prevent needless inconvenience and even avert a catastrophe. The average insurance claim for household water damage due to ruptured frozen water pipes is over $10,000. That amount represents more than just repairing damage to the structure. The inundation of water due to a ruptured frozen supply line may ruin personal belongings that no amount of insurance can replace.
The aftermath can include long-term effects like the growth of toxic mold, as well as other unpleasant side effects. Learn how to prepare your pipes for cold weather before you get that first freezing forecast so you’ll be ready to act.
Inside a water pipe, ice doesn’t form the minute outdoor temperatures dip to 32 degrees. Latent heat in water shielded by a pipe requires colder temps. Studies by the University Of Illinois have found that the threshold for pipe freezing is actually around 20 degrees. This finding was verified by surveys to plumbers who reported the highest number of frozen pipe service calls when temperatures dropped to that level.
However, since different conditions, such as structural openings that allow frigid outside air to directly contact water supply lines, may accelerate heat transfer out of the water, a safer level to prepare your pipes for cold weather is 28 degrees.
Since ice expands, it was long assumed that radial pressure from expanding ice inside pipes was the force that caused ruptures due to freezing. Studies have shown, however, that ice formation breaks pipes through a different mechanism. As freezing occurs, the ice expands laterally, applying pressure to the water inside the pipe on either side of the ice plug. Water in the pipe upstream of the ice can always move backward into the city water line. However, water downstream from the ice has nowhere to go and is placed under extreme pressure. The resultant increase in water pressure, not the ice itself, actually causes the rupture.
As part of fall maintenance, prepare your pipes for cold weather. First identify water supply lines that are located in unconditioned zones of the house such as the attic, garage or crawl space.
Be alert to possible signs of a frozen pipe. If you open a faucet and no water comes out, or if you begin to notice unexplained drops in water pressure, call a professional plumber immediately. DIY efforts to thaw frozen pipes at best produce uncertain results, and at worst they could be dangerous. If you’re sure of the frozen section, you can apply commercially-available UL-approved heat tape designed to warm pipes. Be careful of using devices like hair dryers that aren’t designed for that purpose due to the hazard of electrocution. Never use an open flame such as a propane torch to thaw a frozen pipe.
To prepare your pipes for cold weather or get professional help for a frozen pipe, contact Meyer’s.
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